Digital Ration Card 2022 – Apply Online, List, Status

Digital Ration card 2022 – Apply online, status, and procedure to get it on time. Here we cover the step by step information on how to apply for digital ration card in West Bengal 2022. However, you can even get it if you were from other states too in.

As all other Ration cards that are issued in other states, these Digital Ration cards also consists of the Personal, Photographic, Biometric and Demographic details of the certain individual in 2022.

In this article, all the detailed information about How to Apply for a Digital Ration card, How to Search for it and Status checking of the applied Digital Ration card.

These Ration cards also give access to people for certain basic needs for a household which are provided by the Government for all the Ration card holders.

The old existing Ration cards can be replaced with new Digital Ration cards just by visiting the Food and Civil Supplies (FCS)Department office in the area. If you are not having any Ration card then you can be able to apply for the Digital Ration card directly.

Digital Ration Card Name List 2022

Digital Ration Card Name List is the list where the names of the Digital Ration Card holders are mentioned. The respective state governments take care of the accounts and proceedings of the details. Usually, these details are easier to access than the normal paper accounts.

Thanks to the growing trend of digitisation, Digital Ration Card Name List helps anyone surveying for the list of people from any particular locality to trace the list easily. Earlier, acquiring the same going through offline procedures was a monumental task.

The ways a state government normally divides the data as far as the Digital Ration Card Name List is concerned is as follows:

  • District
  • Tehsil/Block
  • Village

Normally, anyone who needs to search for the list should go through these three credentials. They should enter the District Name, followed by the Tehsil or Block name and then by the Village or Locality’s name.

The order of these doesn’t matter since the former’s entry only gives the choice to select the latter. Make sure you enter the details carefully while searching for the same.

Apply for Digital Ration Card in 2022

The candidates who are interested in applying for the Digital Ration card are needed to follow the procedures explained in this section of the article.

The application procedure will include the legal procedure to be followed in order to avoid disturbances in applying for the Digital Ration Card.

If you are interested in applying for the Digital Ration card then you must decide whether you want to apply online or offline as both the services are been made available for the citizens of West Bengal.

The process of applying online and offline for a ration card of the Telangana State also made easy while the Digital Ration card application methods are been shared below.

Apply Online

To apply online the candidate needs to have the soft copy of the Proof documents before starting the application procedure.

These documents are needed to upload as the supporting documents for your application form so that the authorities at Ration card can be able to verify your application.

Apply online Digital Ration Card

To Apply online for the Digital Ration card, follow the below steps to which are listed in points below.

  • Go to the official website of the Public Distribution System (PDS) of West Bengal.
  • Click here to view the homepage of PDS Website.
  • Go to “Features section on the Homepage.
  • Click on the Forms in the drop-down list.
  • Click on “Ration card Application“.
  • Enter the details on the following page with correct information.
  • Attach the relevant documents issued by any Government sectors.
  • Upload the form and documents to the website.

Digital Ration Card Apply Online

Then the List of Names of Digital Ration will be displayed on the website so that the names are the candidates who are eligible to get a Ration card.

All the Ration card applicants in West Bengal will be listed on that webpage. Tamil Nadu people can also apply for a Smart Ration card.

Apply Offline

The whole procedure explained in the above section is very much similar to the offline procedure as the Application submission and filling will be done offline. Follow the below steps to apply offline for the West Bengal Ration card.

  • Visit the PDS office in your locality or near to your area.
  • Then obtain the West Bengal Ration card application.
  • Fill in all the details in the application form.
  • Attach the required documents to the application form.
  • Submit it to the officials in the office.

After submitting the application form you will be given a Reference number which can be further used to track the Status of your application. The process of How to check the status is explained in the below rows of this article.

Digital Ration Card Status 2022 – WBDS

The status of Digital Ration card can be checked easily by following the points below carefully. The official website of the Public Distribution System also provide the services about status checking of the Ration card Application.

  • Visit the official website of the PDS of West Bengal.
  • In the homepage of the website go to Features option on the top column.
  • Click on “Ration card Application status” from the drop-down list.
  • The following page will be like as shown in the below image.
  • Enter the District, Municipality details in the first row.

Ration Card Application status

Enter the 8-digit Application number or 16-digit full application number and then click “Search” so that to load the Status of the Ration card application in the consecutive page.

The steps are to be followed so that entering a wrong number in the column may lead to the Re-entering of the application number.

Ration card Search

The details of the Digital Ration card in the West Bengal can be easily known in case if you had forgotten the Application number or Ration card number.

The candidates who are in need to search the details of the Ration card should have to follow the detailed procedure which is been shared below.

  • Go to the Official website of the Weste Bengal PDS i.e., WBPDS.
  • On the homepage, find the “Features” section on the top column.
  • Click on the “Search Digital Ration card” from the list.
  • Enter the mode by which you want to search.
  • Enter the Ration card number/Name of the candidate based on the mode you had selected.
  • Select the RRC category and then Click “View Ration card details” below the login section.

Search Ration Card Details

The above mentioned Search Digital Ration card page will be like the image which is been shown above. The details you had entered in the login section are verified and checked so that the Ration card will be displayed on the screen if all the details entered are correct and genuine.


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Updated: December 29, 2024 — 2:38 pm
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