OTPDS – Odisha Targeted Public Distribution System

OTPDS or Odisha Targeted Public Distribution System is the web portal that takes care of all of the accounts and distribution of the commodities in the state of Odisha. It is managed by the Odisha Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare Department.

This particular OTPDS web portal only deals with the different types of reports and lists as far as the Odisha Public Distribution System is concerned. Also check: PPAS Paddy Details In Odisha

OTPDS Homepage

In this article, you will know more about the different types of lists and reports and other relevant information. In case you want to locate your ration card details, you can do so by following this article.


OTPDS Allotment under NFSA


In this section of the OTPDS article, we will be discussing what is the overall report for the Rice and Wheat distribution amongst the whole state.

As you can see, this specifically deals with the handling of Rice and Wheat amounts complying under the National Food Security Act.

You can check for the same by following a few easy steps only. Those are as follows:

As mentioned above in the given points, firstly, you need to visit the OTPDS official website specified. The website URL is given in the first point itself. The Odisha Targeted Public Distribution system,

OTPDS Allotment under NFSA

As you can see, you need to fill in 4 precise details before moving on to the process of getting the report. Those are as follows:


After entering your desired choices, you will be given a loading screen of a particular Microsoft Excel sheet embedded within the website.

Once your OTPDS(Odisha Targeted Public Distribution system) Odisha details are all in sync and the information is available on the OTPDS web portal, it will be neatly depicted just below the options that you had selected a while ago.


OTPDS Ration Card Abstract Report


In this slice of the article, we will be addressing the Abstract Report on the ration cards distributed amongst the whole population itself.

As you can see, this specifically deals with the handling of almost all of the OTPDS ration card holders and the number of commodities they have availed from the government.

You can check for the same by following a few easy steps only. Those are as follows:

As specified above in the presented points, firstly, you need to visit the official website particularised. The website URL is given in the first point itself. The website would look like this:

OTPDS odisha ration card

As you can see, you need to fill in 3 definite details before proceeding on to the process of getting the report. Those are as follows:

FPS (Fair Price Shops)

Once your details are all in sync and the information is available on the OTPDS (Odisha Targeted Public Distribution system) web portal, it will be neatly depicted just below the options that you had selected a while ago.

In this section, you can neatly check for the details of the Fair Price Shops and the commodities that have been distributed to the people under those specific shops itself. Make sure this data is only for viewing purposes.


Final Priority List


As the name of the subheading itself suggests, in this slice of the article, we will be addressing the Final Priority List report on the ration cards circulated amongst the whole population of the state of Odisha.

As you can see, this explicitly traffics with the administration of all of the ration card holders and the number of commodities they have availed from the government in a particular time period.

You can check for the same by following a few easy steps only. Those are as follows:

As specified above in the presented points, firstly, you need to visit the official website particularised. The website URL is given in the first point itself. The website would look like this:

Although there are two non-mandatory options, you can use those to narrow down the search results pretty effectively.

Those are as follows:

Gram Panchayat / Ward
Center Name
Form Number (Not Mandatory)
Full Name (Not Mandatory)

After entering your favoured choices, you will be supplied with a loading screen of a relevant Microsoft Excel sheet embedded within the website.

Once your details are all in tandem and the data is available on the web portal, it will be neatly represented just below the options that you had selected a while ago.

For more information about Odisha ration card details, Apply and list village wise details check out here.

Updated: December 29, 2024 — 4:07 pm
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